Nose & Larynx endoscopy
Rhino-pharyngo-laryngoscopy (RPL) is a simple test performed using a flexible endoscope.
This is a camera attached to an optical fiber and to a light source. It permits to examine the nasal cavity, meatus of the sinuses, nasopharynx, pharynx, larynx and vocal cords, trachea and esophageal opening.
It is performed in the clinic during the consultation, under local anesthesia. Tolerance is usually good, and can be performed in very young children.
The introduction of the endoscope is slowly performed and is guided by anatomical landmarks. The patient should be comfortably seated. The principle of the test will be explained before the test to limit inadvertent movements.
The exam will be done primarily to locate purulent secretions, inflammation of mucosa and polyps.
In the nasal cavity, the fiber endoscopy is indicated in different cases:
1. A persistent Nasal obstruction
2. Epistaxis (nose bleeding)
3. Otitis media with effusion in adults
4. Hyposmia (reduced sense of smell)
5. Rhinorrhea (runny nose) persistent
6. Suspicion of enlarged adenoids
The larynx fiber endoscopy is indicated in cases of:
1. Dysphonia (voice change; hoarseness)
2. Dysphagia (difficulty of swallowing)
3. Odynophagia (pain on swallowing)
4. Dyspnea (difficulty of breathing)
5. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
At the Polyclinic Centre-Ville, there are very small diameter fiberscopes for children and RPL for adults.