Polyclinique Centre-Ville

Services offered at the Polyclinique Centre-Ville

At the Polyclinique Centre-Ville, the endocrinologist performs an ultrasound of the thyroid gland for the majority of patients with a thyroid mass. It is part of the routine examination of the thyroid gland. This ultrasound is performed during basic consultation with the endocrinologist; it does not require a special appointment. Just take an appointment with the endocrinologist.

If you have already performed an ultrasound of the thyroid at the request of your physician or endocrinologist at the polyclinic, and in the presence of a suspicious nodule, a fine needle biopsy must be obtained.

At the Polyclinique Centre-Ville biopsy of the nodule is performed with a specialized pathologist, which examines on site, in your presence, the tissue drawn under ultrasound guidance, confirms the quality of the sample and sets a preliminary diagnosis. The great advantage of sampling under ultrasound guidance is to make sure that the suspected nodule is tested and not the healthy tissue.




Polyclinique Centre-Ville is very proud to offer this almost unique approach in Quebec.

This approach in a single visit offers a rapid support and understanding care of patients by a multidisciplinary team, providing high quality care.

Your referring physician will receive within 24 hours a preliminary report pending the final report.


Thyroid ultrasound
Services offered at the Polyclinique Centre-Ville