Polyclinique Centre-Ville

Postoperative recommendations

Myringotomy + tube or Long term subcutaneous tube

  1. If cotton is still in place in the ear canal after surgery, remove it the next day.
  2. It is possible that a slight reddish brown flow occurs the first 24-48 hours; it is normal.
  3. It is possible to feel pain, to relieve it, take Tylenol.
  4. Do not take any medication containing aspirin (Entrophen) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). These drugs increase the risk of bleeding.
  5. The tubes remain in place for 6 to 12 months and then-after fall of themselves; they remain in the external ear canal. Your doctor will remove fallen tube on your next appointment.
  6. As long as the tubes are in place, NEVER put water in the ears.
  7. Protect your ear from water by using a cotton ball soaked with a small amount of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) (like modeling clay) at bath time or during hair washing.
  8. Do not permanently leave cotton in the ear.
  9. Swimming is allowed with custom-made ear protector (plugs) and bathing cap, unless your doctor says otherwise.
  10. You can purchase earplugs at a hearing aid specialist office or use the cotton ball soaked in Vaseline.
  11. It is important to clean the ear with warm wet washcloth.
  12. Activities are permitted the day after surgery.

Be careful:

Contact your doctor if:

  1. Purulent discharge (yellow or green) from the ear canal;
  2. Light red bleeding continues;
  3. Increased pain.


Ear surgery
Nose & Sinus surgery
Head & Neck surgery
Aesthetic surgery