Polyclinique Centre-Ville

Perilymphatic fistula

This is a leak of perilymph (from the inner ear) to the middle ear. To treat it, you always have to obliterate the two windows of the inner ear: the oval window and the round window. Surgery involves dissecting the skin of the external auditory canal, to raise the eardrum and identify the two windows of the inner ear. Thereafter, the surgeon has to seal these two windows, even if the leak is not identified at the time of the procedure. This sealing is fixed by perichondrium (covering of cartilage) and fat.

A broad discussion with the ENT surgeon at the Polyclinique Centre-Ville takes place in order to understand the details of this procedure, which is often performed under local anesthesia.


Vertigo treatment
Benin Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Refractory BPPV to repositioning maneuvers
Imbalance of cervical origin or “cervicogenic dizziness”
Meniere’s disease
Vestibular neuritis / Labyrinthitis
Dehiscence of the superior canal
Perilymphatic fistula
Migraine and vertigo / Vestibular migraine