Polyclinique Centre-Ville

Vestibular neuritis / Labyrinthitis

Treatment is symptomatic in the acute stage of illness as anti-vomiting like Gravol suppository.

After the acute phase, vestibular rehabilitation may be necessary to help the central vestibular compensation. It is increasingly used; it consists of various treatment regimens based on movement. As part of vestibular rehabilitation, the patient can learn to produce the symptoms in order to desensitize the vestibular system and to coordinate the movement of the eyes and the head. This improves balance and ability to walk, as well as to get information about the deficit, how to cope with symptom and how to become more active. Vestibular rehabilitation is more effective if it is directed towards the ill structure.

At the Polyclinique Centre-Ville adult and pediatric physiotherapists are specialized in this field. They have a strong collaboration with ENTs to guide treatment toward the ill structure, in order to have optimal results. They can themselves monitor your treatment using special glasses carrying an infrared camera connected to the computer to review your nystagmus.

As for the hearing loss associated to labyrinthitis, a hearing aid may be a useful substitute. Ask the ENT, the audiologist or a hearing care professional.


Vertigo treatment
Benin Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Refractory BPPV to repositioning maneuvers
Imbalance of cervical origin or “cervicogenic dizziness”
Meniere’s disease
Vestibular neuritis / Labyrinthitis
Dehiscence of the superior canal
Perilymphatic fistula
Migraine and vertigo / Vestibular migraine