Polyclinique Centre-Ville

Basilar migraine and vertigo

The inner ear vertigo due to a vascular spasm is usually of sudden onset and of intermittent nature. It can be isolated or repeated and associated to other symptoms. If it recurs, it is usually associated with a migraine or headache. These phenomena are favored by fatigue and emotions such as a change in lifestyle (weekend for example).

Although more than 60% of patients with basilar-type migraine present dizziness, ICDH-2 requires at least two symptoms of posterior circulation lasting 5 to 60 minutes followed by migraines for agreeing the diagnosis of basilar migraine type. Less than 10% of patients with vestibular migraine meet these criteria. Thus, vestibular migraine and basilar type migraine are not synonymous.



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Anatomy and Function of the labyrinth
Do you have vertigo? An imbalance?
Benin Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Meniere’s disease
Neuronitis or vestibular neuritis
Dehiscence of the superior canal
Cervical dizziness
Perilymphatic fistula
Migraine and vertigo / Vestibular Migraine
Basilar migraine and vertigo
Vertigo of central origin
Psychogenic vertigo
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency and imbalance