Polyclinique Centre-Ville

Perilymphatic fistula

This is a small gap at the level of the oval window or round window. The fluid in the inner ear (perilymph) can flow through the fistula and give cochlear and vestibular symptoms: fluctuating hearing loss and vertigo.

It is a pathology where diagnosis of certainty is difficult.

The clinical presentation is variable.

The ENT requests an audiogram and VNG.

The diagnosis is confirmed by carrying out an exploration of the middle ear. In this case, always we make an obliteration of the two windows even if the fistula is not identified during surgery. This is the treatment of perilymphatic fistulas. Sometimes the fistula is present but not leaking during the exploration of the middle ear.


perilymphatic fistula



Anatomy and Function of the labyrinthe
Do you have vertigo? An imbalance?
Benin Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Meniere’s disease
Neuronitis or vestibular neuritis
Dehiscence of the superior canal
Cervical dizziness
Perilymphatic fistula
Migraine and vertigo / Vestibular Migraine
Basilar migraine and vertigo
Vertigo of central origin
Psychogenic vertigo
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency and imbalance